
Mohammad Shohag
1 min readMay 9, 2021

Start Node.js with me, let’s learn together. Let me show you in detail what to install and how to start with node.js. First of All switch on your computer and get a seat. Now open file explorer and open drive where you want to save your project.

Create a folder with your desired app name suppose I created a folder jobmonster-backend. Now open this folder on Visual Studio Code and open terminal new command and write,

npm init

it will ask you to enter some info like the package name, version, description, etc. Just press enter all the time and finally last moment it will ask for yes then also press enter.

You can see a file created package.json on your project folder. Open it, contains info about your project. Let’s go to the next step. Obviously, we can do code using node but we will use framework express.js, so to use it we have to insert another command,

npm i mongodb dotenv cors body-parser express express-fileupload nodemon

after the installation complete you can see some node modules installed on your project folder. Here npm i and npm install same command and all the command mentioned here are different packages.

Now on the main directory where your package.json is location create a file index.js,

Now follow express.js documentation to get started with it.

To run this file open terminal and write command,

node index.js



Mohammad Shohag

I write about Programming, Tech, SEO, ASO, SMM, Business Idea, Travel and many more things.